Monday, March 7, 2011

Expectancy in CIRCLES

If any of you Slices ever have a monday night open then you should totally come to your CIRCLES lifegroup. It is so awesome!

One of the greatest thing I love about it is that it is such a healing place. The last couple weeks there have been people that needed prayer for things and so we all layed hands on them and then God started his healing work on them. Whether that's over an important relationship or a lost family member or even a physical ailment... we all have NO inhibitions to just start praying for it. I can't wait for someone to come on a monday night with a deep sickness or a broken body part or something because they honestly have a great chance of being healed.

I know I am sounding weird to a lot of you who have read this far, but it just doesn't matter to me. I'm so excited for CIRCLES and the fellowship that we all can have. Let's pray together, worship together, receive healing together and bear one anothers burdens. I love you all and my stoked meter will be continually rising over the next 6 months.


  1. Love this. I really want to come to the lifegroup, except I keep getting sick! So maybe I should just come and get healed. :) By the way, I enjoyed lunch with you today... thanks for the comfort about my nightmares... haha.

  2. So excited too! Thanks for the post Nick! There is something amazing going on Monday nights!

  3. I should be coming one of these mondays... and I just want you to know that I am always up for prayer. so um. be prepared to pray for me. ha.

  4. That is so awesome Nick! I don't think it is weird at all! God is the healer and wants to work among us. I am hoping to join you all again on Mondays soon. :)

  5. This was spicy! I like it!! haha I have a mens group I go to on Monday nights but I'm most likely going to switch off every other week so I can start investing in the lives of my fellow CIRCLE'ers lives:) SO awesome man and you just kicked up my stoked meter. thanks:)

  6. wishing i didn't work monday nights! but i'm glad this has been such a wonderful experience for everyone involved. thanks for sharing :)

  7. praise report: when we shared what we were going to "do" as a response to our "hearing", i shared about my heart for people without a home. i looked at the orange county rescue mission's website and the first thing that came up on the kinds of volunteers they need was hairstylists. haha. i called and get to do haircuts for the homeless once a month. it's a start to getting plugged into a community i love and using the passions/talents God has given me! yay! thanks for praying!

  8. Wow Dannah! That sounds like that could only be God

  9. Dannah...That is so awesome! I love when life events seem to "fall into place" but know that God had that opportunity for you...all glory to His Name!

  10. You're awesome, Nick!
    I can't wait to start coming! I have a monday night commitment that is ending next month :)

  11. Amen brother man! I have desperately been wanting to go on a Monday night, so I really need to make it more of a priority. Hopefully it will happen soon.

  12. As a recipient of that unabashedly awesome prayer, I can say AMEN! I have been SO SAD to have missed the last two b/c of work, but cannot wait to be there again next week :) So much happening in this community...praise God! :)

  13. Nick, Thanks for this post. I can't wait to hear what's been happening in your life since you wrote this...

  14. Nick. You're the greatest. And I agree, our life group is most definitely the highlight of my week! I love all of you so much!
